The habit of breathing through the mouth is considered innocuous, but it can result in various injuries to the teeth and general health. What might appear as such a small behaviour can affect the delicate equilibrium of the oral cavity and lead to such consequences as dental problems. Dentists have been warning patients about the harm it poses, including dry mouth, higher susceptibility to cavities, and even gum disease. However, people are not aware of the fact that normal mouth breathing has some bad effects, which are long-term oral effects.
The Effects of Mouth Breathing on Oral Hygiene
If you are using your mouth to breathe, then the saliva you produce in your mouth becomes a dry one. It assists in the prevention of bacterial growth as well as neutralising acids and flushing food particles from the mouth. When one produces little saliva, the teeth are prone to cavities, plaque formation, and gum swelling. More so, most of those who breathe through their mouths are susceptible to getting ‘dry mouth,’ which fosters unhealthy bacteria, thus posing more harm to the mouth.
The Impact on Teeth Alignment
Another alarming effect that is usually associated with mouth breathing is how it affects the position of your teeth. In the long run, this creates some sort of misalignment and may even lead to overbite issues. The problem is especially bad for children who breathe through their mouths, as oral development among them is not fully complete yet. It may lead to the development of a wrong bite, or what we refer to as buck teeth, and the child may need to wear braces later in his/her lifetime.
Using A Chinband to Promote Proper Breathing
The good news is that there are ways to correct mouth breathing and treat the harm it brings. The most common method to stop mouth breathing is using Certified Sleepers’ chinband. A chin strap subtly helps to breathe through the nose at night by preventing the mouth from being open. This easy-to-use device assists in regulating breathing and ensures the mouth does not open during a night’s sleep, thereby slashing the chances of experiencing a dry mouth or something similar.
Additional Benefits of A Chinband
Not only does wearing a chinband keep the teeth in good condition, but the quality of sleep is increased as well. This technique also promotes nose breathing and removes snoring, which makes the sleep at night longer and more restful. This may be something that one may have to try if he or she breathes through the mouth most of the time and does not want to destroy his or her teeth as well as improve one’s quality of life.
The Path to Better Breathing and Health
Therefore, mouth breathing is one habit that at first does not seem to cause any harm but does have a number on teeth and health. Stop mouth breathing with a chinband is an effective way that helps you breathe correctly to save your teeth, avoid misaligning them, and sleep more at night. Ending the day with Certified Sleepers’ chinband not only saves a lot of germs but also plays a significant role in your dental and general health.